Year:  Late 60's, 1985
Driver:   Bill Gurney
Contributed by:

Top: Bobby Ely

Second: John Gallant Jr.

Photo Credits:  

Top: Ely Photos

Second: John Gallant Sr.

The Back Story: 

Top: Bill was a popular show from Springfield Ma., was a top runner at Riverside Park Speedway  and the Albany Saratoga asphalt speedways for many years, before moving  on to Lebanon Valley, in the late 60s.  One of the many cars he drove on dirt drove besides this #26 was the #20 orange crate owned by Ed Hitchcock .


Second: Bill Gurney was a well liked and old school racer out of the Springfield, MA area.  This may have been one of Bill’s last rides, as in this picture, He is chatting with another “old timer” in Da Champ, Rene Charland.

Additional Comments:  


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Lebanon Valley Classics