Year:  Early 90’s, 1974
Driver:   Eddie Webb
Photo Contributed by:  

Top Photo: Dan Gowie

Second Photo: John Gallant Jr.

Photo Credits: 

Top Photo: Unknown

Second Photo: John Gallant Jr.

The Back Story: 

Top Photo: Long time Valley shoe Eddie Webb is pictured here in the 111 car, and former crew member and driver for this team Mike Visconti had this to offer about the story behind the 111.


Jeff Yasinsac, or Webb or Dan Bublak all drove for this team at one time or another. I helped Jeff with the cars after John Scofield bought them from Charley Estelli.  I ran the older car in a heat one night. It was the fastest race car I ever sat in. This photo is from the second season John owned them, so it could be any of these guys in it.


A little extra info, Jeff got Charlie to let him run the older car, after Charlie called it quits.  He ran on a shoe string, until John Scofield bought the newer car (getting the older car in the deal also). The first night they got it they went to utica rome (if I remember right) and Jeff flipped it end over end down the front chute, there wasn’t a wheel left on it.  I thought John was going to drop dead as he just paid $14,000 for it and there it sat, a pile of junk. Both Jeff and I thought John had plenty of money for racing, turns out, he didn't and it eventually bankrupted him.  Both the cars were Greg’s chassis’ if I remember right. The motors were some screaming beasts.  I miss Jeff a lot, he was a fun guy to be around, and a hard charging driver.


Mike V.

Second Photo: Sharp looking #10 of Eddie Webb.  How did anybody race with those  Bubble Shields?  Seriously?




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